Jackson County TDA Invites Community and Stakeholders to Hear Research and Strategic Plan
Over the last year, the Jackson County Tourism Development Authority completed an extensive Visitor Research Project and its first three-year Strategic Plan. The JCDTA invites the community to hear the research and plan during two upcoming community listening sessions.
Dates for the presentations are:
Sept. 3, 5:30 p.m. Jackson County Public Library Community Room, Sylva
Sept. 4, 5:30 p.m. Albert Carlton Public Library Community Room, Cashiers
Each session will last approximately an hour with time allotted for a Q&A session. No RSVP is required, and interested residents, business owners, accommodation owners, and stakeholders are all encouraged to attend for a better understanding of the area’s visitor profile, trends, and insights about visitation, and for a look at the JCTDA’s strategic plan.
The JCTDA is the destination management/marketing organization for Jackson County, charged with marketing the destination to potential visitors. “The results of our efforts help to provide local job opportunities, grow the community and support small businesses,” JCTDA Director Nick Breedlove said.
The JCTDA hired Charlotte-based Young Strategies for the project, which wrapped in June with the approval of the Visitor Research and Strategic Plan. “The board has already implemented the new plan and is underway in accomplishing some of these items and initiatives,” Breedlove said. “The plan helped to refine our focus as an organization. This plan reinforces that it’s not about growth just for growth’s sake or bringing more and more people here. Instead, our new plan allows us to focus on the sustainability of the work that we have been doing.”
After hearing from residents, part-time residents, and our visitors, the plan began to take shape and will continue to guide the board’s work and efforts for years to come. “A lot of the data confirmed many things we already suspected,” Breedlove said, adding “There were also many new findings that will positively influence the way that the JCTDA moves forward.”
As part of the planning process, the JCTDA issued a DestinationNEXT survey to 150 stakeholders in the community, including elected officials, county staff and small business owners. “This feedback was also analyzed and crucial in forming our strategic plan,” Breedlove said.